Where is Lakeland Ridge School?

Lakeland Ridge School is located at 101 Crimson Drive Sherwood Park. 

What options does Lakeland Ridge School offer?

Lakeland Ridge offers a variety of options. Please click on the links below to view them.

Grade 7 Options

Grade 8 Options

Grade 9 Options

If driving my student to school, where do I drop them off?

There is NO student drop off or stopping permitted in the bus lanes on Crimson Drive. Those lanes are a school bus zone and our school buses need to remain on schedule to get EIPS students to school on time.

Also, please respect the “Kiss and Go” zone located in the drop off lane in front of the school. There is signage indicating that there is NO PARKING from 8:15-9:15am and from 2:30-3:30pm. Please do not leave your vehicle unattended during this time. If you need to park, please use the designated stalls in our parking lot.

When do report cards come out?

Report cards are issued three times a year. Check out the School Calendar for more information.

What are student responsibilities?

Students have a responsibility to respect the rights and dignity of others and to become actively and productively involved in their own learning and social growth.  To achieve these goals, students are expected to:

  • Know, understand, and follow school rules
  • Accept responsibility for their actions at school or on school sponsored events
  • Put forth appropriate efforts on their studies to the best of their ability
  • Attend school regularly, punctually, and be prepared for each class
  • Cooperate fully and respectfully with all adult authorities within the classroom, on the playground, or on field trips
  • Respect the rights and dignity of others

What sports do you offer?

Lakeland Ridge Wolves Athletics starts in the fall with Cross-country track and Volleyball. In December the switch is made to Basketball. In the spring Badminton starts with Track and Field rounding out the year. Please refer to our Athletics Page for more information.

What should students wear to school?

Please view our dress code policy.

Lakeland Ridge Dress Code

When are buses and/or school cancelled due to weather?

If inclement weather conditions occur, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) will advise parents of any bus cancellations using various communications tools including: automated-telephone messages, alerts posted on www.eips.ca and school websites, Twitter, Facebook, local radio stations, and on Versatrans My Stop.

Decisions regarding bus cancellations are guided by EIPS administrative procedures that states: “school bus service may be suspended when…Environment Canada reports a temperature of -40 C.” Other reasons for suspending or delaying school bus services include adverse weather and poor road condition.

When school bus services are suspended, schools will remain open to students. EIPS believes parents have the right and responsibility to make choices for their children based on their beliefs and perceptions of safety during times of inclement weather.

For more information regarding busing, contact EIPS Student Transportation at 780-417-8151.

Check out EIPS Administrative Procedures for more information regarding inclement weather procedures.

Do I get a locker?

Junior high students receive a locker and lock at the start of the year.