Grades Taught
Lakeland Ridge School is located in Sherwood Park. Our school provides programming for students in kindergarten to grade 9 that focuses on academic excellence, the arts, technology, fitness and recreation, and community involvement. Lakeland Ridge prides itself in the culture of community that has been created by students, staff, and parents since opening in 2004. Students learn in a safe and stimulating school environment where individual differences are celebrated, uniqueness valued, and a sense of belonging created. Each student is integral to the school’s fabric. A full complement of elementary and junior high core courses is supplemented by a broad range of options including app savvy, art, band, design studies, drama, construction, fashion, fast and convenient foods, foods, French, leadership, learning strategies, outdoor education, performing arts, pottery, recreational fitness, snacks and appetizers, sports acceleration, and world foods. As a K-9 School, Lakeland Ridge offers older students numerous and varied opportunities to nurture, mentor, and lead younger students. Parents, as partners, are vital contributors to Lakeland Ridge’s success and reputation for excellence.
Andy Cunningham
Malori Sparrow, Acting Assistant Principal
Amaya Ortigosa, Assistant Principal
The school's motto "Pride in our Pack" is demonstrated daily through strong literacy programs and initiatives, an excellent character education program, leadership and peer support opportunities, athletics, and extracurricular activities such as the Linking Generations program. Throughout the school, Kona, the school's wolf mascot, is in high profile. It is evident Lakeland Ridge School staff and students have "Pride in Their Pack" as they continue to broaden and strengthen this neighbourhood school.
Education Plan
Supply Lists
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