Our online catalogue is available at:
Destiny Discover or https://destiny.eips.ca/common/welcome.jsp
Or start your search now:
Our online catalogue is available at:
Destiny Discover or https://destiny.eips.ca/common/welcome.jsp
Or start your search now:
If you're looking for books for certain grade levels or within specific genres, please try looking through our Collections. If you log into Destiny with your student account, you can just click on "hold" or "add to favourites" when you find one you'd like.
Great Chapter Books for Grade 3
Great Chapter Books for Grade 4
Great Chapter Books for Grades 5 & 6
Please contact Ms. Lake if you have any questions or a suggestion for another Collection we could add.
Please use the contact form to inform us if your child will be absent or late.
Want to check student achievement, attendance records or pay school fees? Follow this link to access the Powerschool Parent Portal.